IV International congress on Islamic feminism
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IV International Congress on Islamic Feminism, 21-24 October 2010, organized by Junta Islámica Catalana (JIC) [Catalan Islamic Council], Madrid-Spain (First paragraph) The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the Women's Institute (Ministry of Equality), the Madrid Autonomous Community, Casa Ãrabe, and Fundación Pluralismo y Convivencia Casa Asia hosted, in cooperation with Junta Islámica Catalana (JIC) and with the collaboration of the United States Embassy in Spain and the Iranian Embassy in Spain, the fourth congress on "Islamic Feminism" from October 21 to 24. The organizers placed the emphasis of the proceedings on the analysis of the present status of the movement and future perspectives. They sought to understand the reasons for opposing Islamic feminism -on the part of both non-Muslims and Muslims- and to seek ways to appropriately counteract such trends. The congress attempted to explore the potential of Islamic Feminism to change the experiences of Muslim women in the different contexts in which they face discrimination. ...