International symposium on Khojazāda
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International Symposium on Khojazāda, 22-24 October 2010, organized by the Faculty of Theology, Uludag University & Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, Bursa-Turkey (First paragraph) After a successful symposium on Mullā Fanārī in 2009, the Theology Faculty of Uludag University and the Bursa Metropolitan Municipality organized a symposium on the Ottoman intellectual Khojazāda (d. 893/1488) from 22 to 24 October 2010. The first day was opened by Prof. M. Kara and Prof. A. Arslan. Kara discussed the Sufi environment of Khojazāda's days. Arslan (well known for his study of Kamāl Pāshā Zāda's commentary on Khojazāda's Tahāfut al-falāsifa) introduced the general philosophical environment of Khojazāda, emphasizing the inclusion of an increasing number of philosophical arguments within the kalām discourse. ...