An anthology of Qur'anic commentaries: volume 1: on the nature of the divine, edited by Feras Hamza and Sajjad Rizvi with Farhana Mayer
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An Anthology of Qur'anic Commentaries: Volume 1: On the Nature of the Divine, edited by Feras Hamza and Sajjad Rizvi with Farhana Mayer, (New York: Oxford University Press in association with The Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2008), xviii + 670 pp., ISBN: 978-0197200001, 95 $ (hardback). (First paragraph) This book provides a new window onto the vast intellectual and hermeneutic diversity of the Islamic learned tradition and its value cannot be overestimated. The object is to present in English translation the exegesis of the Qur'ān from a wide variety of Muslim authors (twenty in all) over the 12-13 centuries of the history of tafsīr. (The considerable and deft translation work is camouflaged by the official bibliographic information from the title page where the translators are listed as "editors". This is much too modest. Most of these works are in Arabic, one is in Persian. It is envisaged as the first of several similar volumes under the general title Anthology of Qurʾanic Commentaries. ...