e-ISSN: 1309-1719
ISSN: 1309-1786
Period: 2 Issues Annually
Start: 2010
Publisher: Bursa İlahiyat Vakfı

The Qurʾān and The Bible: Text and Commentary, by Gabriel Said Reynolds

The Qurʾān and The Bible: Text and Commentary, by Gabriel Said Reynolds

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Merve Palanci
Kırklareli University
How to Cite
Palanci, Merve. 2019. “The Qurʾān and The Bible: Text and Commentary, by Gabriel Said Reynolds”. Ilahiyat Studies 10 (1):129-36. https://www.ilahiyatstudies.org/journal/article/view/580.


(First paragraph) Reynolds begins his sizable work entitled The Qurʾān and The Bible, which is apparently an output of significant long-term research, with preliminary remarks on the Old Testament´s inclusion in the Christian Bible by the Early Church fathers and makes a comparison with early and later Islamic approaches to the Bible. According to the author, in the beginning period of Islam, the Bible could theoretically have been considered an authoritative scripture, inferring from such verses as Q 10:94 and Q 5:47, but then falsification (taḥrīf) allegations against the Bible became the prevailing conception among Muslims in other verses such as Q 2:42, 59, 79; 3:71, 187; 4:46; 5:13; 7:162 (p. 1).


El-Badawi, Emran Iqbal. 2014. The Qurʾān and the Aramaic Gospel Traditions. New York: Routledge,.

Öztürk, Mustafa. 2017. Kur'an Kıssalarının Mahiyeti. İstanbul: Kuramer Yayınları.

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