Confronting Modernity and the Transformation of the Muslim Family in Ömer Nasuhi Bilmen’s Writings in the 20th Century Ottoman State
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During the 19th and 20th centuries, the Ottoman State underwent a process of modernization driven by political, legal, and social reforms. This period was marked by a cautious approach to change by Ottoman scholars, including Ömer Nasuhi Bilmen. Bilmen was a highly influential Muslim intellectual and Islamic legal scholar during the late Ottoman era and the early years of secular Turkey. This article examines Bilmen’s confrontation of modernity and his responses to societal changes through specific issues relevant to his time in the late Ottoman era. It discusses his role in addressing obstacles, his observations of ongoing transformations, and his critiques of European hegemony and modernization. The study focuses on Bilmen’s articles written in Ottoman Turkish between 1920 and 1922, particularly on marriage, divorce, polygamy, and population growth policies.
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